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Placing Engagers

  • Prepare the Teeth
  1. Use lip retractors
  2. Consider using air abrasion with 50-micron aluminum oxide
  3. Acid etch only the area beneath the engager
  4. Thoroughly rinse off the acid etch
  5. Use warm air to dry the teeth



  • Prepare the Templates and Place Engagers
  1. Trim the template(s) if desired 
  2. Put a light, thin coat of petroleum jelly or mineral oil inside the engager bubble or void 
  3. Use an explorer to put a hole in the engager bubble for composite extrusion 
  4. Fill the engager bubble about 2/3 full with paste composite 
  5. Fill the last 1/3 with flowable composite


  • Finish Up
  1. Apply bonding agent to the etched & dry tooth
  2. Place the template on the teeth and light cure
  3. Remove the template and any composite flash 
  4. Check the fit of the new aligner


  • Documents Placement of All Engagers
  1. You can use the treatment plan enclosed with every case
  2. Note the date of placement next to the engager graphic on the treatment plan
  3. Alternatively, note the step, date, and location in the patient's chart
How Clear Aligners Work-Module 8 >Placing Engagers
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