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Case Acceptance Strategy

  • Predictable Cases:Here is a suggested strategy for deciding whether to take on treatments in-house. The greatest variable in taking on cases is directly related to the clinician's experience and training. These types of cases can be successfully treated, achieving the desired outcomes with minimal training and experience required and do not necessarily need to be referred out.


  • In-house types of cases:
  1. If correcting a small number of conditions
  2. Treatment needs relatively few aligners
  3. Only simple movements required
  4. Orthodontic relapse
  5. Minor combination treatment




  • Moderate Cases: With moderate to severe cases, relapse is more likely to occur. Therefore, to minimize the risk of relapse, and perhaps not delay the treatment timeline, if you do not have previous experience treating cases of this type, one should consider involving other trained professionals to consult or support you while treating.


  • Moderate cases include:
  1. If correcting a moderate number of conditions
  2. When treatment requires more than 10 steps, but less than 24 steps
  3. When correcting severe crowding and closing large spaces
  4. Overbite and overjet reduction
  5. Crossbite corrections
  6. Improving tipped and rotated teeth
  7. Reclining excessively proclined teeth
  8. Only moderate movements required






  • Complex Cases
  1. If correcting a considerable number of conditions
  2. When the potential of multiple revisions is possible
  3. Class II and Class III bite relationships
  4. If correcting a skeletal condition
  5. If treating in multiple phases
  6. Complex combination treatments requiring auxiliaries
  7. If you are a beginner or considering a case of high complexity
  8. Non-compliant patients
  9. Patients with potential treatment interruptions
  10. If difficult movements are required


How Clear Aligners Work-Module 8 >Case Acceptance Strategy
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